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Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Date with Rocky

I knew Rocky 2 years back, when we were both doing internship at the same company. I rarely see her after our internship because she studied in Australia. 
She's a sweet & kind-hearted person I know. I think we were destined to meet each other. When we were chitchatting 2 years ago, we found out that our fathers were good friends since we were little kids! Jodoh betul ;)

This was 2 years ago. I accidently slipped my ankle during a basketball game. I know I'm a noob -_-"
She was kind enough to bring me to the doctor n drove my wheelchair ;')

After 2 years,our friendship still going strong. Same pose by Rocky ;D 

I really adore her handbag! Side zip. Made in Japan!

She brought me to Serai because I was craaaaaaving for this. Thank uuuuuuuu!

I was too bored going to the same boutique, kedai baju and all, and because Rocky brought her lil bro along, we did something new.

Shoe hunting. 
I know, not me at all. I was never good at sports, never an athlete. Tapi tak salahkan kalau ade kasut futsal tapi x main futsal? 

kaler pink ni  mcm lawa kan?

or this one?

Hehee lawa kan. Tapi x beli pun. Beli baju RM10 je. Pakai duit angpow.

Pastu try tangkap gambar sendiri bile sampai rumah.


Fairoz Nadrah said...

wan rokiah wan ismail x school mate sekolah rendah kite nih

bellabelon said...

yeke laa keciknye dunia!!!