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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Life as we know it

I read these articles from Rumi Contractor yesterday. Just want to share with you. If you are not sure with what future holds for you, if you are afraid of changes, and if you worry what you are doing is not right for you, then I hope, this will help.

On Dreams

"If you want something bad enough, go and get it. Those of us who are willing to take risks are usually people who do not shy away from the hard slog, the tough times, are willing to start at the bottom, learn from the mistakes, work harder than most others, and have real confidence and the ability to survive; while the search goes on for the dream that we have in mind BUT also set realistic time-lines when we must face the truth and decide whether our dream is anywhere near achieving."

On Future

"Wouldn't it have been great if we inherently knew what we were meant to do? Nah, that would probably too robotic, too rigid, devoid of risk and the thrill of failure and success. The fact that we do not know what life has in store for us, pushes us harder and takes us down paths which we would otherwise never travel upon. And then sometimes, we stumble upon something that excites us, someone who thrills us, a place that we feel we belong and want to explore further and then the thing we never thought possible happen."

On Changes

"Do not be afraid of changes, least of all when you change yourself to do something new and different. Enjoy the change, explore the options. Remember, discovering new perspectives, is one of the most exciting aspects of life, and share these with others, makes it even more interesting."

Wow, never knew an article can lift up my spirit and motivation. I hope it does the same to u too :)

P/s: Congrats to Eva on your placement & Sarah on your promotion! ;)

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